Blurry Vision
You may have ‘blurry vision’ without even knowing it!
My Recent Experience
A few weeks ago, I was dog sitting for a dog that I took for 3 long daily walks. One in the morning right when we woke up; one in the afternoon between day/evening client sessions; and one at night right before bed.
There was a lovely trail we took that circled around a marsh area. The trees were spectacular to look at. It was especially so since the leaves were in the midst of turning colors.
One View
I was so enamored with the view that I kept my head high. I had full confidence that this is where my attention needed to be.
Think about it. I bet you will be able to see spaces in your life and in your situation within family conflict. Times you are filled with confidence with what your beliefs and views are.
And Then It Rained

My final day there, it rained. While we still took our walks along the same lovely trail, I saw something completely different.
I had an umbrella over the top of my head. Now I was looking down as I walked. And I saw something completely different.

Aren’t these fairy doors and watering can lovely?!?
And to think I would’ve missed them if it hadn’t rained that day.
Forcing or… Letting Go
Very recently, a former client wanted very badly to make an event happen. Deep down inside, this person knew it would not be in their own best interest because of all of the family conflict/estrangement that had been going on for years.
And yet, the thought was there that this might be what they needed.
Ultimately, they made the decision to let go of their idea.
Under The Tuscan Sun
This person ended up attending a different/similar event that popped up suddenly.
This is what was said about the situation afterwards:
“After, I remembered the last scene from the movie ‘Under the Tuscan Sun’.
We got exactly what our hearts needed most.
It was not the form we expected. However… God, Source sent us to an uplifting _____(event).
My heart is so happy.”

Blurry Vision
An important note is that this person had done a lot of self- reflection and deep inner work.
Remember, we can’t change anyone else. We can only change how we react to them.
Are you ready to let go of your blurry vision and see the gifts presented to you that can make your heart happy?
Sending you much love and compassion,
This is so true. We can get so focused on what we “see” that we don’t see everything that we should. The same is true with relationships, and it’s a good idea to question whether we are seeing everything about the relationship that we need to see rather than what we’ve conditioned ourselves to see. Thanks for this reminder.
My pleasure! Glad to hear it resonated with you. Thanks for visiting, Michelle!
I love the appreciation you have for the rain that provided a new perspective and new views.
Thank you for the reminder to open up my eyes to look at things from a different angle or perspective so I can see the beauty, magic, and gifts all around me. Sometimes I just do the same thing over and over… which could mean I am missing out on some gifts!
Being in our comfort zone of doing the same thing over and over is a natural reaction, Julie. Glad to hear this post resonates with you.
A much needed reminder. Thank you.
You are most welcome, Dawn!
Elda, I love how our perspective and point of view changes as our own circumstances shift. I remember once touring a science museum’s rainforest exhibit and being told to look up, that not many people take the time to look up and they miss so much. How true.
We can’t change other people… how true. Someone recently said, “yep, happiness is an inside job” and that resonated with me so much. We have to stop looking outside ourself for our own meaning and purpose or for gratification and appreciation too. Other people’s reactions should be bonus because we have enough within to know if we are doing things for the right reason. So hard to remember in the moment though!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences here, Naomi!!
Yes, it may be hard in the moment however awareness is the first step.
I appreciate your in depth comment.
Being able to shift perspectives is such a helpful thing to do. And it can be such a gift when circumstances ease us into doing that, like the rain did for you. It’s like a gentle reminder that shifting can be easy and grace-filled and we don’t have to struggle so much. I absolutely believe you are correct – we cannot change other people. But we are absolutely in control of our own responses. There’s such sovereignty in that, and I love when people can claim that. I’m not saying our hearts don’t get broken, or our anger triggered in situations, but ultimately how we meet things and find peace within ourselves is the gift we give to each interaction. It’s always a delight when you offer us a view of your perspective Elda – that is a gift indeed.
I appreciate your words on that shifting can be easy and grace-filled.
Usually it’s not seen that way so thank you for sharing this perspective, Deborah!
What a beautiful post.
I loved the fairy door! I’ve always wanted to create a fairy village in the garden. Great reminder to do that.
Isn’t it great how our perspective gets shifted into seeing something different. Of course, to see it, you have to be mindful, like you were here.
Looking forward to your next post!
So cool that this post was a reminder for you to create your own fairy garden. Thanks for sharing that.
I absolutely love delightful surprises and this is what the fairy garden was for me.
I love that story! Our perspective changes our experience in so many ways. When you were walking, you could have chosen to be disappointed that it was raining and not have focused your attention at all. Then you would have missed the small joys. Thank you for this comparison, and sharing the experience.
That’s exactly right, Joanne! We choose which way we want to look at things.
I choose to look for love and small joys everywhere in my life.