When was the last time you said to yourself, “Everything would be okay…But he/she is so stubborn!
The Webster dictionary definition of stubborn is: unreasonably unyielding OR justifiably unyielding
This made me think, So which is it? Unreasonably… or justifiably? I guess it would depend which side of the argument you happen to be on.
LOVE at Burning Man
Recently I saw this beautiful art piece named LOVE by the Ukranian sculptor Alexander Milov from the Burning Man event last fall. Click here to learn more about the annual event.
This piece touched my heart deeply. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it and even kept going back to it after I left the page. The sculpture reminds me of times when we might get so stubborn about a certain issue. I think the key word from the dictionary definition is unyielding.
Our Inner Selves
“It demonstrates a conflict between a man and a woman as well as the outer and inner expression of human nature.
Their inner selves are executed in the form of transparent children, who are holding out their hands through the grating.
As it’s getting dark (night falls) the children start to shine. This shining is a symbol of purity and sincerity that brings people together and gives a chance of making up when the dark time arrives.”
—#AlexanderMilov (artist) Love
I found myself to be captivated with the sight of the children inside the sculpture and how they were reaching their hands out to each other even though their tough outer selves were not giving in AT ALL. Their outer selves were being stubborn. Their inner selves were trapped inside their outer struggles.
What EVERYONE Wants in Some Form
Seeing those two children reaching out and ‘with their light on’ reminded me of this plaque I have hanging in my home.
Personally, I think this is what everyone wants in one form or another… To Love and be Loved.
WORD of the Year
Have you heard how some people have started choosing a word of the year to focus on instead of making resolutions?
I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions, however I really liked the idea of putting my focus on one word.
My word this year is LOVE. This is what I wrote in my journal at the end of last year: “I would like to express LOVE at all times no matter who the person is or how tired I am or instead of having fear. I want to express LOVE consistently.”
What about you? Have you chosen a word of the year? Did you enjoy the photo of the sculptor? Do you find yourself being stubborn to a point it gets you nowhere like the two in the sculpture? Please share in the comments below. I would LOVE to hear!
Deborah Weber says
I, too, am captivated by Milov’s piece – what a fabulous image. And what a wonderful example to use with your exploration of stubbornness. Now if we could all immediately click into the understanding whenever we experience stubbornness – both in ourselves or others – I bet it would shift things pretty quickly.
What a fabulous guiding word you’ve chosen for the year Elda – may you always shine that love!
Deborah Weber recently posted…The Merry Month of May
Elda Dorothy says
Thank you Deborah. Did you get a chance to also click on the # link under his quoted description of his art piece? When we click on that link it takes us to several other angles of the same sculpture. My favorite it the one I posted in the link above. Mesmerizing….
Nanette Levin says
What a great sculpture and image for your topic today, Elda. Thanks for your perspectives on stubborn and love. I chose a word this year (never have before) – balance. Not doing a very good job but working on it.
Nanette Levin recently posted…Clever insults are more effective than profanity
Elda Dorothy says
Choosing the word for the year is to bring it in the forefront of our mind. I think of it as a ‘focus’. Not to be judged as good or bad, just a focus. Be kind to yourself, ‘balance’ is an ongoing challenge for many. Thanks for the comment, Nanette.
Amy Putkonen says
I’ve always wanted to go to the Burning Man. It sounds like a life-changing event. Did you go to it then?
That sculpture was very thought-provoking. Wow, that really is many of us. I am not sure if stubborn-ness is the cause of the disconnect in many cases, but I suppose it could be! My husband, daughter and me are all very stubborn, so we run into this a lot! Humor has been a big help to us in that regard.
Amy Putkonen recently posted…#IWSG – Insecure Writer’s Support Group for May 2016
Elda Dorothy says
I used to think that I wanted to attend Burning Man and then I remembered how I don’t even care for tent camping anymore. So, I don’t think I would do well in the sand blizzards and the crowds. I do enjoy reading about it though. I am looking forward to meeting someone who has been there so I can experience it vicariously through their stories to me! Maybe after you go someday Amy, we’ll have to meet for coffee so you can tell me all about it!
Connie says
Hi Elda, thanks for another wonderful thought-provoking blog!
The art piece says to me there is a small child in each of us that wants to be released to come out & play! The lighted children remind me to let my light shine. I have never seen this piece before. Thank you for sharing all of it!❤️
Connie recently posted…Sense Of Community
Elda Dorothy says
Oh, I am so glad you appreciated this art piece as much as I did, Connie! Yes…continue to let your beautiful light shine!!!
SKJAM! says
I had the stubborness whupped out of me in my childhood–this has not always been a good thing.
SKJAM! recently posted…Book Review: The Inugami Clan
Elda Dorothy says
One can only imagine,Scott. I choose to send you positive energy with love.
Debbie Goode says
I have seen that image before and was immediately drawn to it. What a beautiful way to illustrate our ‘inner child’. Would not the world be a better place if we all allowed that child-like love and innocence to envelop us all.
Debbie Goode recently posted…The Giants……Sequoias
Elda Dorothy says
So eloquently stated. Thank you Debbie!