A resource guide for families in any stage of divorce “If you work as hard planning your divorce as you did planning your wedding, being divorced can simply be the next great chapter of your life.” ~ From the preface of the book ~ “Speaking Out: Voices of … [Read more...]
Pointing Fingers
Many times upon meeting someone who finds out what I do and how I am of service to my clients, the first response is always pointing fingers elsewhere. “Oh, you should talk to my sister!” Or, “My adult son needs to talk to you!” Three Pointing Back Pointing … [Read more...]
Why Bother Addressing Estrangement
“Let sleeping dogs lie.” We have all heard that phrase before. Maybe we even use that when someone brings up the subject of a family member we no longer have anything to do with. And you may wonder, “Why bother? I don’t want to talk about it!” The key question is: how do you feel when … [Read more...]
The SECRET Must Come Out
When is it time to share a secret? There comes a time that we take a close look and say...The secret must come out. Do you notice when messages come across to you repeatedly in ways that it seems like you need to pay attention? The first time I heard of … [Read more...]
9 Tips To Survive The Dreaded Mother’s Day Holiday
It’s that time of year again. Everywhere you look, in your email box, on FB, at the mall, on TV commercials, social occasions, etc. EVERYONE is talking about Mother's Day. Other than turning yourself into a hermit in order to avoid the mass exposure to this day, what’s a … [Read more...]
What Can You Do When Your Adult Child Will Not Talk To You?
When my son was 10 years old he said to me, “Mom, when I grow up I am going to have an apartment on the side of my house so that you can live close to my wife and me.” Although I thought that was such a sweet and kind offer since we were extremely close, I responded, “Sweetie, … [Read more...]