Do you have family members that don’t speak to each other yet you, yourself are involved with their lives separately? Maybe they each ask you to share what is going on in the other person’s life and this makes you feel uncomfortable? What can you do if you are ‘stuck in the middle’ of all … [Read more...]
The Worst Thing That Has Happened
What’s the worst thing that has happened to you? How are you looking at it and digesting it from day to day? Below I have summarized a recent article that gave me cause to ponder this. Who is Stephen Colbert? There was an article written about Stephen Colbert recently that … [Read more...]
If NOT Brave And Courageous, Then What?
Have you ever had someone describe you in a certain way and you look surprised and say, “What me? No, that’s not me!” That is exactly what happened to me recently when I opened up to the public like I have never done before in this recent blog post. So many of … [Read more...]
The SECRET Must Come Out
When is it time to share a secret? There comes a time that we take a close look and say...The secret must come out. Do you notice when messages come across to you repeatedly in ways that it seems like you need to pay attention? The first time I heard of … [Read more...]
Impossible to Avoid Holidays with Estrangement Issues
EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. There is some sort of holiday that may be sensitive for you if you are estranged from one person in your family or maybe even the entire family. It’s clearly impossible to avoid holidays with estrangement issues in your current life. If … [Read more...]
Facing The Stigma Of Family Estrangement
You have a newborn so it’s time to be joyful yet people keep asking about your parents (the child’s grandparents), people that are no longer a part of your life. One way another, there you are facing the stigma of family estrangement. Maybe you have experienced a death … [Read more...]
Hurt People Hurt People
Jamie Lee Curtis is in a short video clip quoting this phrase, “Hurt people hurt people.” Her words have stayed with me since I saw her speak about it last year. Watch the minute video here. Hurt People Hurt People Do we … [Read more...]
Is It Okay To Cut Off Family?
Your stomach is in knots every single time you even hear the name of this family member. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t get any relief from these feelings so you make the biggest decision of your life – to cut off family. All you want is relief from the pain and … [Read more...]
How The F Word Can Save You
The F word. It’s that word that everyone reacts to when they hear it. Some people might pull back to create distance, some cringe at the same time making a face. Others roll their eyes and shut down because they don’t want to hear it. Would you like to know how the F word can save … [Read more...]
9 Tips To Survive The Dreaded Mother’s Day Holiday
It’s that time of year again. Everywhere you look, in your email box, on FB, at the mall, on TV commercials, social occasions, etc. EVERYONE is talking about Mother's Day. Other than turning yourself into a hermit in order to avoid the mass exposure to this day, what’s a … [Read more...]