Think of a time you felt true joy when you were by yourself. What were you doing? Where were you?
I am not talking about time spent online or other activities used to avoid our situation. I mean TRUE JOY.
FEELING true joy doesn’t mean that all of your problems have disappeared. It means that you know you will be okay no matter what.
Magical Place for True Joy
My magical place that feeds my soul is being outside in nature. It could be sitting under a tree watching the leaves blowing in the wind; or sitting on the edge of a lake watching the ripples of water going back and forth.
Remember as a child lying in the grass looking up at the clouds and making something out of the shapes we saw in the sky? When’s the last time you allowed yourself to be childlike for a few moments?
I Don’t Have Time…
Taking time to spend with yourself in a way that brings you joy is a great way to work through some pain.
Too often we hear the phrase, “I don’t’ have time for…” So instead ask yourself, “Do I WANT to feel better? How is it serving me to ruminate in what ever thoughts have taken over my mind?”
For many people, ‘I don’t have time’ is their standby response for anything in their life they are avoiding working through.
Raising Your Vibration
We all are made of energy. Each of us emit a certain vibration depending on what we are experiencing at the moment. By taking the time to ‘be in the moment’ with something that brings you true joy, you are raising your vibration and honoring what is to be for your highest good.
What ways do you raise your vibration by doing something that brings you true joy? Do you have a ‘Magical Place For True Joy’? Please share. I would enjoy hearing.
Nanette Levin says
Yes, this is so important, Elda. I, like you, find nature therapeutic. These days, it’s getting dirty in the garden (so much natures passes through here). Of course, my evenings on the front porch watching the fireflies, listening to the frogs and feeling & smelling what the breeze brings in is priceless. Mornings in the back yard watching and listening to the birds, butterflies and bees.
Water has always been huge for me. Whether it’s the ocean, a lake, rivers, streams, thunderstorms, waterfalls or even indoor fountains, there’s something so peaceful about watching or listening to water flowing that’s cathartic. Of course, water is a binding life force, so I guess it makes sense. I even bought a 5-foot high piece for a small entry room that now serves as my indoor soul space (lots of plants there too).
Thanks for the reminder to be in the moment. Off I go to the front porch (a ritual I’ve neglected the past few days).
Elda Dorothy says
Ooohhhh…fireflies, frogs, and smelling the scents the breeze brings in….sounds LOVELY!!
You and I sound very similar in that we both enjoy trees and water. Those are my two I relish having near me. Thanks for sharing, Nanette.
Mary Welch says
Nature is the magical place for me too! Especially Lake Superior and Sedona. I’m closing my eyes in a moment and feeling the joy I experience when I am there! I do have time to do it! Thanks Elda!
PS I LOVED that video of the comedy Punchine….fun and soul-touching!
Mary Welch recently posted…Serendipitous Moments!
Elda Dorothy says
I think it’s lovely that you offer your retreats at places that feed your soul too. Fantastic, Mary!!
Deborah Weber says
Ah yes – I can just feel myself taking a deep breath, sighing, and relaxing as I think about being in nature. I love flower gardens and being near water; walks in the moonlight; standing in strong wind and imagining I could simply leap up a fly. I agree with you Elda – it’s so important to nurture and bring ourselves back to center, always, but most especially in those times when we feel like we don’t have the time. That’s when we clearly need it most. Wishing you lots of true joy.
Deborah Weber recently posted…What We’d Say to the World
Elda Dorothy says
Thank you for sharing, Deborah. I could see in my mind the walks in moonlight, etc. Wonderful!
Vickie Martin Conison says
Nature has a healing effect. I have to find times to enjoy it though – as the heat index has been in the high 90’s for several weeks now. A walk in the morning has been a great start to the day, and I took my camera and really looked – I found blackberries, a hidden lake, several free libraries, and peace! We also put bird feeders outside our kitchen window and that has brought nature to us every day!
Vickie Martin Conison recently posted…CREATING MINDFULNESS BY WALKING
Elda Dorothy says
Oh how FUN, Vickie!!! Taking a camera with on walks in nature is a good way to ‘be in the moment’ which is when we can experience true joy. Thanks for sharing that.
Naomi says
I bet many people feel that joy in nature because of the interconnectedness of all things. Even if we don’t recognize it, that’s a great place to be to heal our souls.
Naomi recently posted…July reading (and a giveaway)
Elda Dorothy says
What a great point, Naomi! Hadn’t thought of it that way. “Healing our souls” in nature….what a lovely thought. Thank you! Maybe that’s why I thrive there so much. 🙂